
The Department of Public Relations and Publicity within the Faculty of Communication of Süleyman Demirel University was established in 2012. It continues its educational activities with its daytime education and evening education programs. In the department, it is aimed to enable the students to start their business life by gaining sufficient scientific and professional equipment with both theoretical and applied courses.

Public Relations and Publicity Department; It consists of the departments of Public Relations, Advertising and Publicity, Research Methods and Corporate Communication. The main fields of study of the Public Relations Department are Mass Media, Public Relations, Writing Techniques in Texts, Marketing Theory, Communication Technologies, Organizational Communication, Global Communication, Political Communication, Brand Management and Public Relations Campaign Development.

The main fields of study of the Advertising Department are; Advertising Strategies, Effective Advertising and Sales Strategies, Media Planning, Copywriting and Visual Design in Advertising, Advertising Formats, Advertising and New Media, Ethics and Law in Advertising.
The main study areas of the Research Methods Department are; Philosophy of Science, Scientific Research Methodology, Communication Studies, Data Collection Methods in Social Sciences, New Media Research, Big Data, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Application and Analysis in Research Methods, Computer Based Data Analysis Programs. (SPSS, AMOS etc.)

The main fields of study of the Department of Corporate Communication are; Corporate Culture and Organizational Behavior, Corporate Identity and Organizational Behavior, Corporate Identity and Corporate Reputation, Management Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility Communication and Ethics, Internal Communication.





- Having a qualified academic staff with academic competence in the field of public relations,

- Having a coherent education and training plan in line with the mission and vision of the faculty,

- Being a department that contributes to the academic and sectoral development of the public relations profession,

- Being a student orientated department,

- The existence of application workshops where students can develop their knowledge and skills,

- To have master's and doctoral programmes,

- Presence of theoretical and practice-oriented courses,

- The Department of Public Relations and Publicity has a deep-rooted history,

- Preparing the department for the accreditation process,

- High number of national and international publications published by academic staff,

- The department is highly preferred in university preferences,

- Library facilities appropriate to the needs of the students,

- Active communication between students and faculty members,

- Providing in-house trainings in order to maintain the development of academic staff,

- The location of the faculty in the centre of Isparta in terms of location and accessibility,

- The existence of SDU İFADE Magazine published within the Faculty of Communication,

- Having minor and double major programmes,

- Existence of student exchange programmes,

- Student clubs are active,



- Job opportunities in the public relations profession are mostly in big cities such as Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara,

- The fact that it is more difficult to organise events to host public relations professionals in Isparta due to the fact that public relations professionals mostly work in big cities,

- High number of students per faculty member in the department,

- The fact that experienced professionals who are actively working in the public relations sector do not give lectures,

- The department is not accredited,

- Low number of international students,

- Lack of classrooms belonging to the faculty where the department can teach its courses,



- Gaining importance of public relations profession with the developments in information and communication technologies,

- Being a part of Isparta's largest university,

- Increasing need for qualified manpower in the field of public relations,

- The existence of national competitions in which students can participate as an output of their education,

- Increasing national recognition of the department day by day,

- As a result of the widespread use of university education, the demand for the department is increasing day by day,

- Opportunity to improve relations with alumni due to the high number of graduates,



- As a result of the emergence of national and international economic problems, it is economically difficult for families to receive education in Isparta,

- As a result of the increase in public relations graduates throughout the country, many communication professionals are included in the sector,

- The fact that the number of public relations and publicity departments is increasing in larger cities,

- With the changes in information and communication technologies, the necessity of adding courses that will enable to keep up with these changes to education and training plans,


Our Stakeholders

- Directorate of Communications





- Graduated students

- Academic staff of other departments

- Other department students

- Department students

- Faculty management

- Department academic staff