Vision & Mission Organization Chart
Mission: The main mission of the department is to realize the applications that enable the production and distribution of content in appropriate formats for traditional and digital journalism channels in today's communication environment. In addition, our main source of motivation is to educate students who can realize the opportunities offered by the internet in professional practices, comprehend the qualities of media literacy, and act in accordance with the requirements and values of journalism professional ethics.
Vision: The vision of our department is to educate individuals who have knowledge and equipment in the field of journalism, who use digital tools competently, and who can adapt to the transformations in the communication environment. Our department offers strong theoretical and practical training with its technological infrastructure and physical facilities. Our main goal is to educate our students with the qualifications needed in academia and the sector.
Organization Chart
Head of Department: Prof.Dr. Hasan GÜLLÜPUNAR
Deputy Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice KILINÇ
Deputy Head of Department: Asistant Professor Resul TAŞAN
Department Secretary: Nesrin ÇELİKKAYA
Academic Organization Chart of the Department of Journalism:
Head of Department: Prof.Dr. Hasan GÜLLÜPUNAR
Deputy Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice KILINÇ
Deputy Head of Department: Asistant Professor Resul TAŞAN
Department Secretary: Nesrin ÇELİKKAYA
Academic Organization Chart of the Department of Journalism:

Authorities, Duties and Responsibilities
In accordance with the objectives and principles determined by the senior management of Süleyman Demirel University; To carry out, plan, direct, coordinate and supervise all activities necessary to realize education and training in line with the vision and mission of the Faculty in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.
1-To perform the duties given in the Higher Education Law No. 2547;
2-Chairs the Faculty Academic Board, Faculty Board, Faculty Administrative Board and Faculty Disciplinary Board and ensures the implementation of the board decisions. Provides coordination between the units of the faculty and ensures regular work between the units of the faculty.
3-Determines the mission and vision of the Faculty, shares it with all employees of the Faculty, and motivates the employees for its realization.
4- Ensures that the analytical budget of the Faculty is prepared every year together with its justifications.
5- Ensures that the movables are acquired and used effectively, economically, efficiently and in accordance with the law; controls are carried out, records are kept transparently through the movable registration and control authority and the prepared Management Account is given.
6-Prepares the staffing needs of the faculty and submits them to the Rectorate.
7-Supervises and supervises the units of the faculty.
8-Provides the formation of an information system in computer and output environment in the faculty.
9-Provides the preparation and implementation of the surveys required for the information system.
10-Provides the continuation of education and training in the Faculty in an organized manner.
11-Develops policies and strategies related to education and research.
12-To organize activities such as courses, seminars and conferences in the areas needed for the administrative and academic staff of the Faculty and works to make the Faculty a continuous learning organization.
13- Ensures that the faculty evaluation and quality improvement studies are carried out regularly.
14-It identifies and solves the problems related to the education and training system of the Faculty and conveys them to the higher authorities when necessary.
15-Follows the rising values in education and training and ensures that they are implemented on the basis of the Faculty.
16-Provides regular preparation and maintenance of research projects in the faculty.
17- Ensures that the necessary work is done to accredit the programs in the faculty.
18-Provides the preparation of the strategic plan of the faculty.
19- Ensures that the physical equipment and human resources of the Faculty are used effectively and efficiently.
20- Ensures that necessary security measures are taken on the Faculty campus.
21-Represents the Faculty at the highest level.
22-Reports to the Rector about the general situation and functioning of the Faculty at the end of each academic year.
23-Does other duties to be assigned by the Director related to his/her field.
24-To ensure that the activities in the field of duty and responsibility are carried out in accordance with the definitions and instructions of the existing internal control system.
25-Act in accordance with the principles of saving.
26-Allows the subordinate staff to seize continuous development and improvement opportunities in order to gain the skills and experience that will enable them to perform their work more efficiently, effectively and in accordance with the quality system.
27-Do other duties assigned to him/her by the Director.
In accordance with the objectives and principles determined by the senior management of Süleyman Demirel University; To carry out, plan, direct, coordinate and supervise all activities necessary to realize education and training in line with the vision and mission of the Faculty in accordance with the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.
1-To perform the duties given in the Higher Education Law No. 2547;
2-Chairs the Faculty Academic Board, Faculty Board, Faculty Administrative Board and Faculty Disciplinary Board and ensures the implementation of the board decisions. Provides coordination between the units of the faculty and ensures regular work between the units of the faculty.
3-Determines the mission and vision of the Faculty, shares it with all employees of the Faculty, and motivates the employees for its realization.
4- Ensures that the analytical budget of the Faculty is prepared every year together with its justifications.
5- Ensures that the movables are acquired and used effectively, economically, efficiently and in accordance with the law; controls are carried out, records are kept transparently through the movable registration and control authority and the prepared Management Account is given.
6-Prepares the staffing needs of the faculty and submits them to the Rectorate.
7-Supervises and supervises the units of the faculty.
8-Provides the formation of an information system in computer and output environment in the faculty.
9-Provides the preparation and implementation of the surveys required for the information system.
10-Provides the continuation of education and training in the Faculty in an organized manner.
11-Develops policies and strategies related to education and research.
12-To organize activities such as courses, seminars and conferences in the areas needed for the administrative and academic staff of the Faculty and works to make the Faculty a continuous learning organization.
13- Ensures that the faculty evaluation and quality improvement studies are carried out regularly.
14-It identifies and solves the problems related to the education and training system of the Faculty and conveys them to the higher authorities when necessary.
15-Follows the rising values in education and training and ensures that they are implemented on the basis of the Faculty.
16-Provides regular preparation and maintenance of research projects in the faculty.
17- Ensures that the necessary work is done to accredit the programs in the faculty.
18-Provides the preparation of the strategic plan of the faculty.
19- Ensures that the physical equipment and human resources of the Faculty are used effectively and efficiently.
20- Ensures that necessary security measures are taken on the Faculty campus.
21-Represents the Faculty at the highest level.
22-Reports to the Rector about the general situation and functioning of the Faculty at the end of each academic year.
23-Does other duties to be assigned by the Director related to his/her field.
24-To ensure that the activities in the field of duty and responsibility are carried out in accordance with the definitions and instructions of the existing internal control system.
25-Act in accordance with the principles of saving.
26-Allows the subordinate staff to seize continuous development and improvement opportunities in order to gain the skills and experience that will enable them to perform their work more efficiently, effectively and in accordance with the quality system.
27-Do other duties assigned to him/her by the Director.
1- To have the authority to perform the duties and responsibilities specified above.
2-To be able to use the necessary tools and equipment for the realization of the activities.
3-To use the representation authority of Suleyman Demirel University.
4-To have signature authority.
5-To use expenditure authority.
6-To have the authority to assign work to the managers and staff under his/her command, to direct them, to control their work, to correct them, to warn them when necessary, to request information and reports.
7-To have the authority to punish, reward, register, train, change jobs and give leave to the managers and personnel under his/her command.
8-To have the authority to decide and approve the evaluations in the selection of personnel to be recruited to the institution.
Vice Deans, Department Heads, Faculty Members, Faculty Secretary, Department Secretaries Dean's Office
To have the general qualifications specified in the Civil Servants Law No. 657 and the Higher Education Law No. 2547, To have work experience at the level required by the task, To have managerial qualifications; to know the requirements of management and administration, To have the necessary decision-making and problem-solving qualities to carry out its activities in the best way.
The Dean is responsible to the Rector of Süleyman Demirel University while fulfilling all these duties written above in accordance with the laws and regulations.
1- Higher Education Law No. 2547
The Faculty Board consists of the Heads of the Departments affiliated to the Faculty under the chairmanship of the Dean, the Directors of the Institute and School affiliated to the Faculty, if any, and three faculty members to be elected among themselves by the professors, two faculty members to be elected among themselves by the associate professors, and one faculty member to be elected among themselves by the assistant professors for three years. The Faculty Board normally convenes at the beginning and end of each semester. The Dean calls the Faculty Board to a meeting when deemed necessary.
The duties and responsibilities of the Faculty Board are determined in paragraph (b) of Article 17 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547: The Faculty Board is an academic body and performs the following duties:
1- To decide on the education, training, scientific research and publication activities of the Faculty and the principles, plan, program and education calendar related to these activities,
2-Electing members to the faculty board of directors,
3-To perform other duties assigned by these laws and regulations.
1-To have the authority to perform the duties and responsibilities specified above.
2-To use the necessary tools and equipment for the realization of the activities.
3-Using the representation authority of Suleyman Demirel University.
Dean's Office
While fulfilling these duties written above in accordance with the laws and regulations, the Faculty Board is responsible to the Dean of the Faculty and his assistants:
1- Higher Education Law No. 2547
a) Establishment and functioning: The faculty board of directors consists of three professors, two associate professors and one assistant professor elected by the faculty board for three years under the chairmanship of the dean. The board of directors may establish temporary working groups, education and training coordinatorships when it deems necessary and regulates their duties.
b) Duties: The faculty board of directors is an auxiliary body to the dean in administrative activities and performs the following duties:
1-Assisting the dean in the implementation of the principles determined by the decisions of the faculty board,
2-To ensure the implementation of the faculty's education, training, plans and programs and academic calendar,
3-Preparing the investment, program and budget draft of the faculty,
4-To take decisions on all matters to be brought by the dean regarding the faculty management,
5-To decide on the admission, course adjustments and dismissals of students and the procedures related to education and exams,
6-To perform other duties assigned by law and regulations.
1- To have the authority to perform the duties and responsibilities specified above.
2-To be able to use the necessary tools and equipment for the realization of the activities.
3-To use the representation authority of Suleyman Demirel University.
4-To have signature authority.
5-To use expenditure authority.
6-To have the authority to assign work to the managers and staff under his/her command, to direct them, to control their work, to correct them, to warn them when necessary, to request information and reports.
7-To have the authority to punish, reward, register, train, change jobs and give leave to the managers and personnel under his/her command.
8-To have the authority to decide and approve the evaluations in the selection of personnel to be recruited to the institution.
Vice Deans, Department Heads, Faculty Members, Faculty Secretary, Department Secretaries Dean's Office
To have the general qualifications specified in the Civil Servants Law No. 657 and the Higher Education Law No. 2547, To have work experience at the level required by the task, To have managerial qualifications; to know the requirements of management and administration, To have the necessary decision-making and problem-solving qualities to carry out its activities in the best way.
The Dean is responsible to the Rector of Süleyman Demirel University while fulfilling all these duties written above in accordance with the laws and regulations.
1- Higher Education Law No. 2547
The Faculty Board consists of the Heads of the Departments affiliated to the Faculty under the chairmanship of the Dean, the Directors of the Institute and School affiliated to the Faculty, if any, and three faculty members to be elected among themselves by the professors, two faculty members to be elected among themselves by the associate professors, and one faculty member to be elected among themselves by the assistant professors for three years. The Faculty Board normally convenes at the beginning and end of each semester. The Dean calls the Faculty Board to a meeting when deemed necessary.
The duties and responsibilities of the Faculty Board are determined in paragraph (b) of Article 17 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547: The Faculty Board is an academic body and performs the following duties:
1- To decide on the education, training, scientific research and publication activities of the Faculty and the principles, plan, program and education calendar related to these activities,
2-Electing members to the faculty board of directors,
3-To perform other duties assigned by these laws and regulations.
1-To have the authority to perform the duties and responsibilities specified above.
2-To use the necessary tools and equipment for the realization of the activities.
3-Using the representation authority of Suleyman Demirel University.
Dean's Office
While fulfilling these duties written above in accordance with the laws and regulations, the Faculty Board is responsible to the Dean of the Faculty and his assistants:
1- Higher Education Law No. 2547
a) Establishment and functioning: The faculty board of directors consists of three professors, two associate professors and one assistant professor elected by the faculty board for three years under the chairmanship of the dean. The board of directors may establish temporary working groups, education and training coordinatorships when it deems necessary and regulates their duties.
b) Duties: The faculty board of directors is an auxiliary body to the dean in administrative activities and performs the following duties:
1-Assisting the dean in the implementation of the principles determined by the decisions of the faculty board,
2-To ensure the implementation of the faculty's education, training, plans and programs and academic calendar,
3-Preparing the investment, program and budget draft of the faculty,
4-To take decisions on all matters to be brought by the dean regarding the faculty management,
5-To decide on the admission, course adjustments and dismissals of students and the procedures related to education and exams,
6-To perform other duties assigned by law and regulations.
Department Quality Policy, Research Policy
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
List of Department Stakeholders (Internal and External Stakeholders Impact / Importance Matrix)
Our Stakeholders
- Turkish Journalists Association
- Anadolu Agency Provincial Representative Office
- WHO.
- Graduated students
- Academic staff of other departments
- Other department students
- Department students
- Faculty management
- Department academic staff
- Turkish Journalists Association
- Anadolu Agency Provincial Representative Office
- WHO.
- Graduated students
- Academic staff of other departments
- Other department students
- Department students
- Faculty management
- Department academic staff
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Personnel Affairs Work Calendar
Department Secretariat Unit Work Calendar
Department Quality and Accreditation Commission (Member List)
R&D Commission (Member List)
Department Advisory Board (Member List)
Department ECTS Coordinator
Department Research Assistant Representative
Department Disadvantaged Groups Representative
Department Social Contribution Representative
Bölüm Öğrenci Temsilcisi
Department Quality and Accreditation Commission Meeting Minutes
Departmental Advisory Board Meeting Minutes
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Department Self-Assessment Report
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Department R&D Report
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Departmental Education and Training Self-Assessment Report
Department Annual Report
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Survey Reports
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
İçerik metinlerini buraya yazabilirsiniz.
Sequence No. | Suggestion Section/Resource | Suggestion Date | Recommendation/Rationale | Improvement | Improvement date |
1 | Journalism Department students requesting equipment to use in their assignments and projects | 2023 | In line with this demand, equipment for students' needs was requested. | Purchase of 3 cameras and 4 tripods, recording devices | 20.02.2024 |
In our department, there is a workshop where a wide range of activities are carried out to develop the competencies and skills of Journalism students in the sector and the field. In the workshop environment, there is a suitable environment where the students of the department can socialize, exchange ideas and discuss their projects. Students from all classes can participate in activities and activities that will ensure their development in the workshop in line with their interests and wishes.
Within the scope of the workshop; activities such as news training, reporter training, news verification training are organized to increase students' knowledge and experience in the field. Within the scope of the activities, students can meet with professionals who have experience in the sector and it is aimed to increase the students' knowledge and skills in the field.In addition, students benefit from the workshop facilities for the equipment and various tools they need for their courses and projects.Especially senior students carry out their graduation projects with the technological facilities offered by the workshop and professional expert support. In this context, the activities in the workshop are coordinated by academics and experts from the sector.
Within the scope of the workshop; activities such as news training, reporter training, news verification training are organized to increase students' knowledge and experience in the field. Within the scope of the activities, students can meet with professionals who have experience in the sector and it is aimed to increase the students' knowledge and skills in the field.In addition, students benefit from the workshop facilities for the equipment and various tools they need for their courses and projects.Especially senior students carry out their graduation projects with the technological facilities offered by the workshop and professional expert support. In this context, the activities in the workshop are coordinated by academics and experts from the sector.